Friday, April 17, 2009

New York

First thing I'll say is - I can't put any photos up because my card reader doesn't work with Aunt Kristin's computer (don't stress Dad, it'll work with other computers).

I apologise for not posting for a while - I've been busy and distracted and I will post more often when I get to Europe. Since I've been here I've been in to NYC three times, doing lots of touristy stuff and getting a free tourguide in the mix in the form of Grandpa Ethan. Week before last we went in to the Guggenheim Museum. The architecture of the place is awesome - its a work of art in itself. They had some really awesome exhibitions about the influence of Asian culture and spirituality on American artists last century. Ok, so sounds weird, but its all the people I've been studying for the past two years dumped into one big artistic melting pot where they all know each other. Makes me wonder whether in 50 years someone will recognise all the cool people I know as influential to the development of the cultural metanarrative. Or something.

I also met up with Krissie, cousin-in-law and gorgeous second-cousins in Central Park. Its amazing to see how much Olivia has grown, and it was the first time I'd ever seen 10 month old Isabelle. Central Park is such a cool place to be a toddler, I envy them, and I will be posting photos as soon as I can.

But its late, and I'm tired, so I will post again soon.

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